16–17.5 cm Male unicolor: Bluer (less turquoise) than Verditer, paler
belly/vent.Female: Rather greyish, rufous uppertailcoverts/tail. Juvenile: Blackish tips and buff spots above, uniformly dark-scaled below. Male has blue on wings/tail. Other
subspecies C.u.harterti (S Thailand, Pen Malaysia): Greyer
crown, warmer elsewhere. VOICE Relatively melodious, warbling
song, phrases, often start with shorter chi and end with buzzy
chizz. HABITAT Broadleaved evergreen forest; up to 1,600 m.
RANGE Un R Myanmar (except SW,S), Thailand (except C,SE),
Pen Malaysia, Cambodia, Laos, N,C Annam. V coastal E Tonkin
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