Location : Perak
Date : 19 December 2022
43–52 cm Male: Huge bill, dark glossy green head, white underparts
with chestnut sides; largely blue upperwing-coverts, bold white
underwing-coverts.Male eclipse: Flanks/belly more rufous
than female, body markings blacker, upperwing-coverts bluer. Female: Huge orange-edged bill; crown and eyestripe not
sharply contrasting; bluish-grey on upperwing-coverts. Juvenile male: As juvenile female but upperwing similar to adult.
Immatures can resemble sub-eclipse adults. Juvenile female:
Darker crown than female, paler and more spotted below, faint
greater covert bar, glossless secondaries. VOICE Hollow liquid
sluk-uk or g’dunk from courting males; descending gakgak-gak-ga-ga from females. HABITAT Lakes, large rivers,
marshes; up to 800 m. RANGE Un WVMyanmar (except W), Thailand (except SE,S), E Tonkin. V Pen Malaysia, Singapore, Cambodia, C Annam, Cochinchina
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